A pocket watch with it's inner gears on show.

How We Work

We aim to provide a totally bespoke service tailored to your individual needs.

At our first point of contact, we’ll explain the services we offer and demonstrate how we can help you achieve your aspirations. Our initial first meeting is at no cost to the client.

Should you decide to become a client we’ll then explore the options available to you based upon your personal circumstances along with establishing your attitude to investment risk. This would involve asking for specific personal information and discussing your opinions regarding investments.

At our second meeting we’ll detail our recommendations in a financial plan. After that, we’ll implement all agreed actions, advising you on progress and when the process is complete.

Thereafter, we’ll give you the option to review your situation annually, responding to any changes in your circumstances and advising you of actions you may need to take. Annual reviews can be agreed in the form of an investment schedule being posted, a telephone appointment or a visit to your home or work address.


"I have been a client of Gilbert Wealth Limited for about 20 years, initially obtaining personal pension advice."

Contact Gilbert Wealth Limited

Please call 0115 7843242  or email enquiries@gilbertwealth.co.uk to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, please complete the enquiry form below and we will get back to you soon as we can. Your information given on our contact form will not be used for marketing purposes.